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Cambodia’s Long Battle Against Terrorist Groups

April 14, 2013 
By Colin Meyn
The Cambodia Daily
Even the opposition SRP has been accused of mounting an armed group de­signed to overthrow the CPP.
In September 2001, a day be­fore terrorists hijacked two airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, officials in Cambodia were busy dealing with their own terrorist threat.

Police had charged six Cam­bo­dians and one Cambodian-Amer­i­can with belonging to an illegal armed force called the Cam­bo­dian Freedom Fighters (CFF).

Although the CFF had staged a bloody raid on CPP offices that killed eight people a year earlier, human rights groups were quick to express concern that the gov­ern­ment was using the attack as a pretext to move against its political opponents.

Since then, a long line of terrorist groups have been discovered in Cambodia, publicly decried by the government and deemed pun­ishable in the eyes of the law.

But unlike the CFF, none of them ever engaged in any violence. Instead, many of them were caught committing acts of a far less violent nature: distributing information critical of the administration of Prime Minister Hun Sen. In December, a small Buddhist ceremony was held in Denmark to commemorate the formation of the Khmer National Liberation Front (KNLF), a group of activists committed to peacefully distributing literature condemning Mr. Hun Sen and the ruling CPP.

On the group’s website, Sam Serey, the group’s president, who claims to be living as a political re­fugee in Denmark, has posted KNLF’s manifesto along with letters to world leaders, all of which contain antigovernment lit­erature that accuses the CPP of be­ing communist, beholden to the Vietnamese government and re­­sponsible for acts of violence and oppression of human rights during its time in power.

Over the past month, six al­leged members of the KNLF have been arrested by Thai au­thorities andspirited back to Cam­bodia, where they are being held in Prey Sar prison on charg­es of terrorism and organizing an armed uprising against the Cam­bo­dian government.

Police said this week that all of the men, three of whom are Bud­dhist monks, have confessed to their involvement in the KNLF. How­ever, authorities are still searching for weapons or evidence that an armed insurrection was actually in the works.

The case bears striking similarities to the cases of many other government-labeled terrorist groups that have come through Cambodia’s courts under the administration of Mr. Hun Sen. From the Free Vietnam movement in 1994 to the Tiger Head movement in 2010, alleged insurgencies and planned terrorist uprisings have been a common occurrence in Cambodia.

But analysts say the groups, apart from the CFF, have posed no discernable threat to the government and often give the CPP an excuse to quash voices of dissent.

Carlyle Thayer, a Southeast Asia expert at the Australian De­fense Force Academy, said the myr­iad terrorist groups that have popped up in Cambodia while Mr. Hun Sen has been in power have not represented a significant security concern to the country, but have proven politically convenient to the prime minister.

None of [these groups] have posed a real threat to the Cam­bodian government in the sense that they could have overthrown the government or instigated a mass uprising. While several have access to arms, they are small highly personalistic groups,” he said.

“I do not think the [Hun Sen] regime is paranoid about such groups. The regime is concerned about the impact of external im­pressions of Cambodia’s stability. And, to a certain extent, these groups provide the opportunity for the regime to implicate the opposition,” he added.

Since the U.N.-organized elections of 1993, the CPP has touted its success in making Cambodia more secure, a platform that has required a series of new enemies, whether their threat is legitimate or not, according to John Cior­ci­ari, an assistant professor at the Uni­versity of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. “Given the nature of modern In­do­chinese history, the CPP leadership undoubtedly takes even small perceived threats seriously, but it is difficult to detect significant threats over the past decade.”

“The CPP’s political success has been built largely on the notion that the party has helped to stabilize and unify the country—a narrative that is difficult to maintain without occasionally identifying threats to national stability,” he added.

Beginning in 1994, Cambodian police began investigating members of “Vietnam Tu Do,” or Free Vietnam, who were allegedly plotting to overthrow the Vietnamese government by building an army and a weapons factory in Cam­bo­dia. Dozens of the group’s alleged members, including the editor of the anti-communist Vietnamese-language newspaper also called Free Vietnam, were arrested and deported to Vietnam.

Although human rights groups blasted the deportations, which happened without due legal pro­cess and with little explanation for the men’s arrests, Cambodian of­ficials said that it was necessary for the government to immediately disrupt the group’s activities in the interest of national security.

In 2000, three men accused of being part of Khmer Serey, or Free Khmer, a shadowy antigovernment movement supposedly operating in the jungles of East­ern Cambodia, were found shot dead in Kratie province.

Days later, after human rights groups raised concerns that the killings were part of a political purge of former Khmer Rouge and Funcinpec soldiers, a senior Royal Cambodian Armed Forces commander said that the men were not part of the Khmer Serey at all, but were in fact criminals who preyed on travelers in Ang Snuol district, and that a total of seven of them were killed in an exchange of fire with military forces.

In the weeks leading up to the killings, dozens of other men were recruited to be Khmer Serey and later went missing. Although then-Co-Minister of Defense Sisowath Cirirath said the men had simply returned to live with their families, others suggested the men had been tricked into joining the group and then punished for their involvement.

Months later, in February 2001, the Khmer Serey movement came to an end when 25 men claiming to be part of the group handed in their arms at a ceremony presided over by Kratie prov­ince’s governor.

In November 2000, the CFF was orchestrating an attack on the government that led to the worst political violence in the country since 1997.

The CFF, a group headquartered at the Long Beach, Cali­for­nia, office of an accountant named Chhun Yasidh, claimed responsibility for a raid on CPP offices in Phnom Penh that left eight dead, more than a dozen injured, and dozens more arrested.

Human rights groups quickly expressed concern that the CPP was using the attack as a pretext to move against political opponents. More than 200 people were arrested in connection to the attack and at least 40 people were charged with terrorism and membership in an illegal armed force. In June 2010, a U.S. court found Mr. Yasidh guilty of masterminding the failed coup and sentenced him to life in prison without parole.

One of the more bizarre al­leged armed forces to have formed in Cambodia under Mr. Hun Sen’s watch was the Empire Movement, a group of Cham Mus­lims who allegedly planned to create a commando unit to re­claim Cambodian and Cham territory lost centuries ago to Viet­nam and Thailand.

Three men were arrested for the alleged plot, in which they planned to rally another 400 armed members of the Cham Mus­­­lim community to take back their land. But it later transpired that none of the men possessed any weapons and most of the re­cruits were totally unaware that they had been conscripted.

After more than a year in pretrial detention, two of the charged men were handed five and six years jail sentences. One of the men claimed to have been an un­der­cover agent with the FBI in­vestigating possible al-Qaida links within Cambodia’s Muslim community, a claim that the U.S. Em­bassy in Phnom Penh denied.

Another terrorist group to grab headlines was discovered in Jan­uary 2009 in Mondolkiri province. Po­lice said they had discovered a group called the Tiger Head Move­­ment, named for its insignia consisting of three tiger heads.

The group first caught the at­tention of authorities in 2006 for al­legedly spreading hundreds of anti-Hun Sen leaflets in Phnom Penh and Takeo.

But the case against the men revolved around two bomb plots in Phnom Penh—one near the Vi­et­namese Friendship memorial in 2007 and another near the De­fense Ministry headquarters in 2009. None of the bombs were de­tonated and the four leaders of the Tiger Head Movement, who were sentenced to between 20 and 28 years, have refuted all in­volvement in the alleged plots.

Even the opposition SRP has been accused of mounting an armed group de­signed to overthrow the CPP. From its inception in 2001, the SRP’s “Committee 14” was meant to be a shadow Cabinet that would oversee the government’s mil­itary activities. But in 2003, Mr. Hun Sen came out blasting the group and accused the SRP of or­ganizing a rebel force meant to overthrow the CPP.

SRP lawmaker Chea Channy was arrested and imprisoned in 2005 for two years for his role in organizing the so-called illegal armed force.

The six members of the KNLF now in pretrial detention in Prey Sar prison have yet to be told when they will stand trial. Police have said they are seeking higher-ranking members of the group, including the leader, who is living in Denmark.

In a statement posted to the web­site of the National Police af­ter their arrest, spokesman Lieu­tenant General Kirth Chan­tarith said the men had been arrested on a court warrant charging them with “terrorism,distributing leaf­lets, possessing explosives, creating illegal armed forces and creating the Khmer National Liber­a­tion Front that violates the rule of Cambodian law.”

Speaking from Denmark last week, Sam Serey said that he and other members, many of whom were monks, were simply trying to let people in Cambodia know about the “real situation” in their country.

“The members were arrested because they work with me and are members of KNLF and they distribute books and leaflets to tell people to know what the government is doing and about Vi­etnam’s invasion and colonization of Cambodia,” he said. “But what we do is peaceful and without weapons.”



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